• [OG/OB] Shori Ohta

    [OG/OB] Shori Ohta

    He is currently absorbed in the study of Islam and immigrants, an interest he has had since high school. He likes the atmosphere of the department, where autonomy is valued.
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  • [OG/OB] Asli Kemiksiz

    [OG/OB] Asli Kemiksiz

    Asli Kemiksiz is an international student from Turkey who is studying robots in Japanese science fiction. She enrolled in the master’s program in the Department of Anthropology after studying international relations and later on cultural studies in Turkey, and then studying at Osaka University as a research student. We asked Asli, an international student with ...
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  • [OG/OB] Isao Murahashi

    [OG/OB] Isao Murahashi

    He is doing anthropological study in South Sudan after seven years of work experience as a journalist. He finds fieldwork interesting when unexpected things happen.
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  • Kara White

    Kara White

    Kara White is an international student from the U.S., who is studying human-animal relations from an Anthropological perspective.
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